Pencils hitting the paper, anxious students crowding the halls, and encouraging speeches from teachers will soon flood the halls of GK as the date for AP tests creep closer and closer. To avoid at least a little of the stress, here are some tips from some of the teachers of GK about the best ways to study for the upcoming test.
AP Lang:
● Review CollegeBoard videos on the content that was taught throughout the year (Take notes on the different subjects while watching the videos, it will allow you to retain information better)
● Work on extra practice available on Collegeboard
AP World History:
● Watch Heimler’s History for review of content
● Use a variety of strategies (timelines, maps, vocab cards are great options)
● Be consistent, even if it’s a short period of time. Everyday practice is invaluable
AP Government:
● Review vocabulary and concepts for each unit (this will be extremely useful when taking the
context based exam)
● Practice a plethora of different possible questions for the Free Response Section
● Don’t cram on the final night. The best thing for you to do is get a good night sleep, get up early
the morning of, and eat well AP Biology:
● AP classroom has daily videos in which you can watch for a review of concepts and skills
● Review old assignments and class work to better prepare yourself on the material
● Questions on the test were purposely made to confuse you. Don’t stress about it. All the questions are the same concepts you have learned throughout the year, just continue to use your usual strategies to complete them. While this article is section by subject it doesn’t mean that there isn’t useful information presented by other classes that can be adapted to fit your studying style. So good luck to all the students at GK taking this year's AP exams!